Africa is the second largest continent with 48 countries and remains the poorest and least developed continent in the world. Hunger, poverty, local ethnic and religious conflicts, terrorism, corruption and outbreaks of disease have been a major problem for centuries. However, the continent is making slow progress and improvement in political stability, economic growth and living conditions. Africa is changing and probably has a brighter future.
Photo serie ‘Albinism’:
Albinism is a rare condition which results in the absence of pigment in hair, eyes and skin. In Africa children and adults with albinism face multiple challenges which restrict their daily lives. They often suffer from visions problems and they are extremely vulnerable to skin infections and cancer. They also facing discrimination and stigmatisation. By giving correct information and education more people will be aware of albinism and understand it.
Photo serie ‘Boys from Eldoret’:
The KACSU ( Kenya Albino Child Support) is a project in Eldoret that makes it possible for children with albinism to attend school. Education is a necessity for these most vulnerable children, by making them independent and giving them the tools to have a better future.
Photo serie ‘Kibera kid’:
Kibera is Nairobi’s biggest slum, more than a million people living in poverty. The Kenyan Government does not provide for any essential public services or basic infrastructures, such as sanitation, education, electricity and health-care. Many families are unable to care for their children and a lot of them failing to receive basic education. During the day they live on the street and have to enjoy themselves.